Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 533296    Company : FMNL    
Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-CessationDownload PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  30/05/2018 15:08:30         Exchange Disseminated Time   30/05/2018 15:08:36              Time Taken   00:00:06
Sub: Change in designation of Managing Director on account of completion of term of appointment

Ref: Scrip Code: BSE - 533296 and NSE - FMNL

Please note that Mr. Sunil Biyani was appointed as the Managing Director of the Company for a period of 5 years with effect from May 30, 2013 in terms of the resolutions passed by the members and accordingly his term is completed and ceased to be the Managing Director of the Company. Mr. Sunil Biyani shall continue to be on the Board of the Company as a Non-Executive Director.

Kindly take the same on record.


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