Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 541299    Company : DLCL    
Announcement Regarding Inaugration Of New Diagnostic And Processing Centre Download PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  14/08/2018 10:21:57         Exchange Disseminated Time   14/08/2018 10:22:02              Time Taken   00:00:05
This is to bring in the kind attention of all the stakeholders that inaugration ceremony for our Diagnostic and Processing Centre situated at 19C Club Road, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi - 110026 was held on 12th day of August, 2018 and the company has now begun commercial operations from this Centre.

This recent launch of this centre of Dr Lalchandani Labs Limited is a part of our expansion plan to cater the vast diagnostic test needs of the customers located in that region.

For Dr Lalchandani Labs Limited

Arjan Lalchandani
Managing Director
DIN- 07014579


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