Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 500160    Company : GTL    
Reply To Clarification Sought By NSEDownload PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  05/10/2018 15:12:02         Exchange Disseminated Time   05/10/2018 15:12:11              Time Taken   00:00:09
This has reference to your email dated October 4, 2018 in response to the disclosure dated September 28, 2018 made by the Company under Regulation 30(1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations & Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (the Listing Regulations).

In this connection, we would like to draw your kind attention to our letter bearing Ref. Nos. GTL/CS-SE/2018-19/015 dated September 24, 2018 and GTL/CS-SE/2018-19/019 dated September 28, 2018, vide which we have given required disclosures. Having disclosed the required information and as the status quo has been granted by the appropriate legal forum, furnishing of further details / information, as sought by NSE, does not arise.



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