Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 534328    Company : HEXATRADEX    
Reconstitution Of Nomination And Remuneration Committee Download PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  12/11/2018 17:17:31         Exchange Disseminated Time   12/11/2018 17:17:38              Time Taken   00:00:07
This is reference, to the captioned subject, we wish to inform you that Dr. Raj Kamal Aggarwal has stepped down from the Chairmanship of Nomination and Remuneration Committee and Board of Directors, in their meeting held today i.e. 12th November, 2018, appointed Mr. Girish Sharma as the Chairman of the said Committee.

The revised composition of the committee is as follows:-

1. Mr. Girish Sharma - Chairman of the Committee
2. Ms. Veni Verma - Member of the Committee
3. Dr. Raj Kamal Aggarwal - Member of the Committee

This is for your information and record.


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