Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 533177    Company : IL&FSTRANS    
Announcement under Regulation 30 (LODR)-UpdatesDownload PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  27/02/2018 10:47:17         Exchange Disseminated Time   27/02/2018 10:47:25              Time Taken   00:00:08
Further to our intimation dated February 9, 2018 on the subject, we would like to inform that the Company has mandated (i) Barclays, (ii) CLSA, (iii) Emirates NBD, (iv) J.P. Morgan and (v) MUFG as Joint Bookrunners and Joint Lead Managers for arranging a series of fixed income investor meetings in Singapore, Hong Kong, London and Dubai starting 28th February 2018. Following the meetings, the Company may proceed with a 5-year US$ denominated senior unsecured notes offering under Regulation S subject to market conditions. The proceeds of the proposed issue are to be primarily utilised for on-lending to the Company's special purpose vehicles involved in existing and new projects in the infrastructure sector in India and any other end-use as may be permitted under the extant External Commercial Borrowings guidelines by the RBI

This is being notified pursuant to Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations & Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015


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