Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 504036    Company : HIRECT    
Board Meeting-Outcome of Board MeetingDownload PDF Download XBRL
  Exchange Received Time  13/02/2018 16:12:39         Exchange Disseminated Time   13/02/2018 16:12:41              Time Taken   00:00:02
Hind Rectifiers Limited had issue and allotted 1505793 fully paid up equity shares of face value of Rs. 2 each for cash at a price of Rs. 80 per equity share (including share premium of Rs. 78 per share) aggregating upto Rs. 1204.63 lacs to the existing shareholders on a Rights basis on the record date, that is on October 18, 2017.

As required under Regulation 32 of the SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, we hereby state that there has been no deviation or variation in the utilization of issue proceeds and entire fund raised from the above said issue has been utilized for the purposes for which they were raised.



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