Corporate Announcement
Security Code : 533047    Company : IMFA    
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  Exchange Received Time  18/05/2018 19:41:37         Exchange Disseminated Time   18/05/2018 19:41:40              Time Taken   00:00:03
This is to inform you that after switching on TCP-3 at Therubali and
while load was gradually being increased there was a shell puncture
on May 17th following which the furnace has been shut down and will
be out of commission for approximately 90 days for digging out,
shell replacement and relining. This has occurred due to the
unplanned long shutdown without necessary precautions following a
sudden agitation by outsiders which we had intimated vide our letter
dated April 24th.
The production loss is around 12,000 tonnes and we have initiated
the process of registering a claim under ''Loss of Profit'' insurance
cover taken by the Company.


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