Pursuant to SEBI Circular CIR/DNPD/5/2011 dated June 2, 2011 (BSE Notice no-20110602-18, Dated June 02, 2011), permitting stock exchanges to introduce Liquidity Enhancement Schemes (LES) for illiquid securities in their equity derivatives segment, The Exchange has launched a series of Liquidity Enhancement Incentive Programmes (LEIPS).
The third programme in the series LEIPS-III was launched on 1st February 2012 vide notice no. 26 dated January 13, 2012 for the Options sub–segment.
Trading members are herby requested to note that aforesaid LEIPS III programme shall conclude on July 31, 2012.
For any further clarifications, please contact your designated Relationship Managers.
Rajesh Saraf
Mayuresh Samant
GM – Trading Operations
DM – Trading Operations