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Industry Classification of (543400)
Macro-Economic Indicator
Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels
Petroleum Products
Basic Industry
Refineries & Marketing
High Lows
EPS (TTM) Earnings Per Share (Trailing Twelve Months)
Formula = Net Profit attributable to Equity Shareholders (TTM) / No. of Equity Shares
CEPS (TTM) Cash Earnings Per Share (Trailing Twelve Months)
Formula = Net profit attributable to Equity Shareholders (TTM) + Depreciation (TTM) /No. of Equity Shares
PE Price Earnings
Formula = Last Traded Price / EPS(TTM)
PB Price to Book Value
Formula = Last Traded Price / Book Value per Share
Where Book Value per Share = (Total Assets -Total Liabilities)/ No. of Equity Shares outstanding
ROE Return on Equity
Formula = Profit Attributable to Equity Shareholders / Shareholder's Fund
Where Profit Attributable to Equity Shareholders does not include profit attributable to minority shareholders) and
Shareholder's Fund = Equity Share Capital + Other Equity (Does not include Minority Interest)
Note - All the above-mentioned Ratios are based on latest available Standalone Results.
*Disclaimer: Pursuant to SEBI Circular CIR/CFD/DCR/17/2015 dated December 01, 2015, in the matter of “Introduction of system-driven disclosures in securities market“, BSE Ltd. has started accepting system generated disclosures from the Registrars and Share Transfer Agents (RTAs) of BSE listed companies and displaying the same on website of BSE Ltd.
The disclosures provided in this section are provided by the RTAs for their client companies based on the change in holdings of the promoters. The change in Demat holdings of the Promoters has been provided to the RTAs by the Depositories while the change in Physical holding is maintained by the RTA themselves. BSE Ltd. is merely receiving the disclosures and disseminating the same for the benefit of the Investors.
BSE Ltd. disseminates these disclosures as submitted by the RTAs and does not verify the accuracy or truthfulness of the disclosures. The information contained in the disclosures is based on material we believe to be reliable; however, we do not represent that it is accurate, correct, complete or error free. BSE Ltd. disclaims any responsibility or loss arising out of any action, directly or indirectly taken, by any market intermediary pursuant to the dissemination of these Disclosures.
In case of any errors or discrepancies in these Disclosures, promoters and listed companies may take up the same with the concerned RTAs for rectification and resubmission.
* * * *
Exchanges have commenced collating the data received from both depositories and generating pledge related data for the purpose of System Based Disclosures under Regulation 31 of SAST.
** Source - Data as collated from CDSL and NSDL
The disclosures displayed here are made on the basis of data as provided by the Depositories in terms of the SEBI circular dated December 21, 2016 and May 28, 2018 in relation to System Driven Disclosures.
Since these files are received from the Depositories, hence the data displayed is based on the reports received from depositories and the exchange will not be responsible for any inaccurate/incorrect data, incase any discrepancy is noticed same can be informed to Listed companies, Stock Exchanges and Depositories within a reasonable period of time.