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Industry Classification of ()
Macro-Economic Indicator
Basic Industry
High Lows
EPS (TTM) Earnings Per Share (Trailing Twelve Months)
Formula = Net Profit attributable to Equity Shareholders (TTM) / No. of Equity Shares
CEPS (TTM) Cash Earnings Per Share (Trailing Twelve Months)
Formula = Net profit attributable to Equity Shareholders (TTM) + Depreciation (TTM) /No. of Equity Shares
PE Price Earnings
Formula = Last Traded Price / EPS(TTM)
PB Price to Book Value
Formula = Last Traded Price / Book Value per Share
Where Book Value per Share = (Total Assets -Total Liabilities)/ No. of Equity Shares outstanding
ROE Return on Equity
Formula = Profit Attributable to Equity Shareholders / Shareholder's Fund
Where Profit Attributable to Equity Shareholders does not include profit attributable to minority shareholders) and
Shareholder's Fund = Equity Share Capital + Other Equity (Does not include Minority Interest)
Note - All the above-mentioned Ratios are based on latest available Standalone Results.
(I) We declare that the acceptance of fixed deposits by the bans/Non-Banking Finance Company are at the terms uniformly applicable/offered to all shareholders/public
(II) We declare that the scheduled commercial bank, as per RBI circular RBI/DBR/2015-16/19 dated March 03, 2016, has allowed additional interest of one per cent per annum, over and above the rate of interest mentioned in the schedule of interest rates on savings or a term deposits of bank’s staff and their exclusive associations as well as on deposits of Chairman, Chairman & Managing Director, Executive Director or such other Executives appointed for a fixed tenure.
(III) Whether the company is a ‘high value debt listed entity’ according to regulation 15 (1A)?
(a) If answer to above question is Yes, whether complying with proviso to regulation 23 (9), i.e., submitting RPT disclosures on the day of results publication?
(b) If answer to above question is No, please explain the reason for not complying.
Textual Information(1)
Text Block
Textual Information(1)
Related party transactions
Additional disclosure of related party transactions - applicable only in case the related party transaction relates to loans, inter-corporate deposits, advances or investments made or given by the listed entity/subsidiary. These details need to be disclosed only once, during the reporting period when such transaction was undertaken.
Sr No.
Details of the party (listed entity /subsidiary) entering into the transaction
Details of the counterparty
Type of related party transaction
Details of other related party transaction
Value of the related party transaction as approved by the audit committee
Remarks on approval by audit committee
Value of transaction during the reporting period
In case monies are due to either party as a result of the transaction
In case any financial indebtedness is incurred to make or give loans, inter-corporate deposits, advances or investments
Details of the loans, inter-corporate deposits, advances or investments
Relationship of the counterparty with the listed entity or its subsidiary
Opening balance
Closing balance
Nature of indebtedness (loan/ issuance of debt/ any other etc.)