-200.85 -0.27%
13 Mar 25 | 16:00 | Close

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Crest Ventures Ltd

(CREST | 511413 | INE559D01011)
364.50 +17.60 (+5.07%)
13 Mar 25 | 16:00 | All Prices in   

Previous Close 346.90
Open 340.15
High 366.55
Low 340.15
VWAP 363.27
52 Wk High 621.20
52 Wk Low 304.55
Upper Price Band 437.40
Lower Price Band 291.60
Price Band 20%
TTQ 531
Turnover (Lakh) 1.93
2W Avg Qty` 895
Mcap Full (Cr.) 1,036.99
Mcap FF (Cr.) 309.12
EPS (TTM) 27.55
CEPS (TTM) 28.61
PE/PB 13.23 / 0.98
ROE 7.38
Face Value 10.00
Category Listed
Group / Settlement Type B /T+1
Index -
Basic Industry Non Banking Financial Company (NBFC)


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To Date
Name(s) of the promoter and/or persons in promoter group Promoter holding in the target company Promoter holding already encumbered Details of events pertaining to encumbrance Post event holding of encumbered shares Exchange Broadcast Date And Time View in pdf
No. of shares % of total equity share capital No. of shares % of total equity share capital Type of event (creation / release / invocation) Date of creation/ release/ invocation of encumbrance Number of shares % of total equity share capital Reason for Encumbrance Name of the entity in whose favor shares encumbered Name of ultimate lender/ Debenture Issuer Number of shares % of total equity share capital
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    15 Mar 25 | 08:50 (IST)